'Namgis Blended Governance

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Dear Members,

It is an exciting time for ‘Namgis First Nation, as we are reaching out to all our members to engage on what a system of blended governance can look like for our Nation, which will include a role for elected and hereditary Chiefs.

As you may remember, through a series of conversations between 2015 and 2017, we heard that members would prefer a system of governance that blends ‘Namgis traditional and elected systems together. This feedback from our members was included in our Comprehensive Community Plan, which was approved by members in 2017 and provides direction to leadership to work on a blended system of government.

By creating blended governance for ‘Namgis, we will have a government that honours our traditions, while creating stability to meet the challenges of the future.

Creating a system of blended governance will be complex and will take a long time. The ‘Namgis Title and Rights Forum (the Forum) has been working on a temporary agreement to guide the work and now we want to talk to all members. Over the next few months, you can expect to receive invitations to join us in community meetings, virtual meetings and Elders’ meetings, which will be led by a group of Elders, elected representatives and hereditary Chiefs.

We look forward to hearing from you about this important initiative.


Chief Victor Isaac, Chris Cook Jr., George Alfred, Ivy Peers, Robert Mountain

Dear Members,

It is an exciting time for ‘Namgis First Nation, as we are reaching out to all our members to engage on what a system of blended governance can look like for our Nation, which will include a role for elected and hereditary Chiefs.

As you may remember, through a series of conversations between 2015 and 2017, we heard that members would prefer a system of governance that blends ‘Namgis traditional and elected systems together. This feedback from our members was included in our Comprehensive Community Plan, which was approved by members in 2017 and provides direction to leadership to work on a blended system of government.

By creating blended governance for ‘Namgis, we will have a government that honours our traditions, while creating stability to meet the challenges of the future.

Creating a system of blended governance will be complex and will take a long time. The ‘Namgis Title and Rights Forum (the Forum) has been working on a temporary agreement to guide the work and now we want to talk to all members. Over the next few months, you can expect to receive invitations to join us in community meetings, virtual meetings and Elders’ meetings, which will be led by a group of Elders, elected representatives and hereditary Chiefs.

We look forward to hearing from you about this important initiative.


Chief Victor Isaac, Chris Cook Jr., George Alfred, Ivy Peers, Robert Mountain

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Page last updated: 06 May 2024, 11:37 AM