'Namgis Land Use Plan: Land Use Planning on Reserve
Introduction to ‘Namgis Land Use Planning
Following the ratification of the ‘Namgis Land Code, ‘Namgis First Nation is developing a land use plan for our reserve land base.
Our land use plan will comply with our Land Code and reflect the community priorities, vision and objectives of our Comprehensive Community Plan and Strategic Plan. Our Land Use Plan will provide us with a shared vision for the long-term future of our reserve lands.
We are also working with the Province of British Columbia to develop a modernized land use plan for our Territory (Gwa’ni). The Gwa’ni Project will cover lands from the mouth of the Nimpkish River to the Vernon Lake watershed and will guide what can happen on lands, rivers, lakes, watersheds and forests in the planning area.
Your input on this survey will help the project team develop objectives and specific polies by land use designation to guide how we use or don’t use our lands moving forward.
'Namgis Reserves
As part of this community mapping exercise, please place the thematic pins on the spots on the 'Namgis reserves and explain why you select those particular spots for the particular pin you placed.
This will help the project management to assess the preferences of members in terms of land planning.